Juni 29, 2007

A Shocking Revelation of Hell for Christians
On Friday 23 February 2007 morning , I went for prayer meeting and during this meeting while we were praying, my pastor came to me and told me that the Lord had told him, to tell me that I shall be receiving a message from HIM (the Lord). I said to myself this must really be a special message then, for the Lord to prepare me well ahead of time .Two days later, I got up to pray as usual; early in the mornings. After praying I went back to bed and I had a dream. In the dream, the spirit of God was flying with me and showing me places, and then we settled in a garden. There were some other people in the garden, including children as well; each seemed busy with his own thing. A wonderful worship melody was going on and then I heard the voice of the Almighty God said that “Jesus is my beloved Son and nobody in the world loves me like Jesus”. HE said this twice. When HE said this I saw Jesus appeared and disappeared twice, having a sad but peaceful look on Him. I was so excited to see Him although no one else bothered. Still in that garden was an isolated tree .On the stem of the tree was a carved snake and as I headed towards the tree I heard the Holy Spirit said that this tree is the tree of disobedience and the snake is a symbol of disobedience. When I heard this I immediately ran away from the tree. HE continued by saying that it is rather unfortunate that many people prefer to eat from this tree than obey God. This dream ends at this point and it is clear that the emphasis is laid on disobedience.
On Friday the 2nd of March 2007, Five days after I had this dream, which was based on disobedience, I got up early in the morning to pray as is my custom, after spending almost an hour with the Lord I went back to bed. As I was just falling asleep, I saw the Holy spirit came into my room and He took my soul. He told me “I WANT TO SHOW YOU WHAT IT MEANS FOR A SOUL TO SUFFER IN HELL”. Then He took me and we descended somewhere, I can’t tell where it was and suddenly there was darkness all around; then I found myself in
a cell. The Holy Spirit was standing out of the cell and before I had time to think of what
ever, I felt terrible flames burning all over my body, an inexplicable fire. In agony and pain I jumped from one angle of the cell to another seeking escape from the tormenting flames but all to no avail. I screamed and pleaded with the LORD to take me out from this excruciating pain but the LORD would not move nor say a word. People, Hell is real, it is a place of no escape. While I was burning in the flames, I thought within me “how do these people in hell survive this agonizing, engulfing and unbearable pains?”. But you know what the truth is that they have no choice but to be alive and continuously burn and suffer in these flames.
While the fire burns, no matter where you jump to you are carrying it all over your body. Still in torment in hell, I sought for every means of escape .In tears I told the Lord I don’t deserve to be in hell, and I asked Him why does He allow me to suffer in these flames whereas I am His servant. Still, this second attempt to make the LORD have mercy on me and deliver me from the torment failed. While still trying every means to escape the burning fire, a smart thought came to my mind. Since I was fully aware of the fact that it was only my soul that was being tormented in the fire while my body was lying on my bed in my room, I thought maybe if I scream louder than I did , maybe per chance I could actually be screaming on my bed so that my husband can hear me and then try to wake me up (just like when people have nightmares and they may be screaming in their sleep so much so that if there is anyone beside them they can actually hear them screaming). So that my soul can then come back to my body and I be delivered from this place of torment .So I screamed as much as I could but this was another futile attempt because I was in a different world where no man but God can deliver. In frustration, I knew my destiny was to suffer in these flames until God decides to relieve me. Somehow at the back of my mind I knew I was not bound to be here forever, I knew it was only a visitation. But it seemed like everlasting moment of suffering. After enduring the pains for a while, the Lord finally spoke. You would be surprised at what He said. He said “MANY CHRISTIANS GO TO HELL NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE ALCOHOLIC OR BECAUSE THEY ARE BOUND IN SIN BUT BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST “. This statement has fully changed my concept about Christianity. In Matthew28:19 the Lord gives us a command to “go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. This is a command not a plea so we are expected to obey and whosoever does not obey is disobeying God’s command. Again in James 1:22 the Bible says “do not merely listen to the word, and so DECEIVE yourself (but) DO what it says”. Maybe you think it is not your business if people perish but again James 4:17 says “anyone, then, who knows the good he OUGHT to do and doesn’t do it SINS”.
After the Lord made the only statement He had made while I was in hell about Christians, He then removed me from the flames and my soul came back into my body and then I woke up. I immediately narrated the whole incidence to my husband who was sleeping next to me. And after talking to my husband for about 15mins I could still feel much heat all over my body especially on my face. I was actually talking and trying to fan myself at the same time. Interestingly, my husband also shared with me a dream he had that same night on evangelism.
The next day as I was praying about the incidence the Holy Ghost spoke to me. He said “The Mandate has been given to you go and tell everyone what you have experienced”.
My beloved ones in Christ I am not writing these things to condemn anyone nor to frighten any body but rather to encourage and challenge us to go out there and preach to the lost. It is a terrible thing for a soul to suffer for eternity in hell, I have been there and I know exactly what I am talking about. That is why heaven rejoices when the destiny of a single soul has been changed from that of eternal torments to that of eternal happiness. This is the heart beat of God to see souls translated from hell to heaven because He loves all and does not want any of His children to suffer. People, God in HIS mercy permitted me to suffer in hell for a while so that I could have just a taste of it (which was like everlasting for me) and come back and warn others not to take things lightly as we Christians have the habit of doing. Do not take the Grace for granted but work for your salvation with fear and trembling. Obey the Lord’s command. The Bible says in Matthew 7:21 that” not everyone who says to me, Lord ,Lord, will enter to the kingdom of heaven, but ONLY HE WHO DOES THE WILL of my Father who is in heaven.” What is God’s Will? God’s Will is for us to preach His word to the lost. I now understand why the Lord told me that Jesus loves HIM more than every body in the world. This is because Jesus will do the Father’s Will regardless of whether it tampers with His comfort or not. Jesus tells us in the Bible that “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory…” (Luke 9:26) and also that “But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven” Matt 10:33.
My greatest fear is that after you have heard all these you still choose to ignore the warning and choose to disobey. May this not be neither your portion nor mine in Jesus name .Hell is a terrible place please warn others about it.
Baiklah orang bijak mendengar dan menambah ilmu dan baiklah orang yang berpengertian memperoleh bahan pertimbangan (Ams 1:5)
Bahan bacaan: Amsal 1
Bagi beberapa orang "mendengar" merupakan kata kerja yang sukar untuk dilakukan. Mereka lebih suka "didengar" daripada sebaliknya. Sebab bagaimanapun juga bila perkataan kita didengar, hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa kita adalah seorang yang "wah" di mata orang lain. Amsal mengingatkan kita bahwa orang bijak selalu mendengar dan menambah ilmunya. Terkadang kita lupa akan hal ini. Belajar dari pengalaman memang merupakan guru terbaik. Tetapi ada baiknya juga bila kita belajar dari pengalaman orang lain, sehingga kita tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu mempelajari sesuatu yang orang lain sudah temukan jawabannya. Terkadang justru melalui pengalaman orang lain kita dapat suatu pelajaran yang baru. Cerita berikut sangat menarik untuk kita simak:
Suatu hari Thomas Edison menjadi tamu gubernur North Carolina. Saat mereka berbincang-bincang, si gubernur memuji Edison atas kejeniusannya sebagai seorang penemu.
"Saya bukan penemu besar," kata Edison.
"Tapi Anda memiliki lebih dari ribuan paten atas neam Anda, bukan?" Tanya si gubernur.
"Ya, tap satu-satunya penemuan yang benar-benar dapat saya kalim sebagai mutlak orisinil adalah fonograf," kata Edison
"Saya rasa saya tidak mengerti apa yang Anda maksud," sahut gubernur.
"Begini," Edison menjelaskan. "Saya kira saya adalah spons yang sangat bagus. Saya menyerap ide-ide dari setiap hal yang saya bisa, dan menerapkannya dalam penggunaan praktis. Kemudian saya meningkatkannya sampai menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai. Ide-ide yang saya gunakan kebanyakan merupakan ide-ide orang lain yang tidak mengembangkannya sendiri."
Edison mengakui kalau ketika itu ia dikategorikan menjadi seorang penemu besar, bukanlah semata-mata jerih payah dia sendiri tetapi ia mengadopsi ide-ide tersebut dari orang lain. Ia belajar sesuatu dari mereka. Proses pembelajaran salah satunya adalah melalui pendengaran, dan itulah yang dengan tekun ia lakukan. Ia mendengarkan ide-ide orang-orang tersebut walau orang yang bersangkutan mungkin menganggap dirinya sendiri gagal menemukan sesuatu. Ia banyak belajar justru ketika ia lebih banyak mendengar. Dengan cara seperti itu ia benar-benar menjadi spons yang sangat efektif menyerap setiap pelajaran dari sekitarnya. Salah satu rahasia untuk maju adalah banyak mendengar.
Saya berhasil maju karena disekitar saya ada orang-orang yang lebih cerdik dan pandai daripada saya - dan saya mendengarkan mereka.
Isaiah 55:9
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Kadang kita berpikir seperti seorang manusia, seorang manusia terbatas yang hanya mengetahui sebatas kemampuan otaknya saja. Setelah manusia jatuh dalam dosa, tidak henti-hentinya kejahatan terjadi di atas muka bumi, baik itu kejahatan secara fisik, pikiran, dan rohani. Contohnya saja manusia saling membunuh, mencuri, berbohong, menyembah berhala, bahkan merasa diri hebat sampai mau menciptakan menara yang ujungnya mencapai langit. Manusia yang semula diciptakan menurut gambar Allah kini telah rusak dan mulai menurunkan keturunan-keturunan yang berdosa.
Kini agak susah bagi manusia untuk dapat mengerti jalan pikiran Tuhan karena pikirannya sendiri telah ada bibit dosa. Setelah manusia terima keselamatan yang hanya dapat diperoleh dari Tuhan saja terkadang masih ada kelicikan, kecurangan, penyesalan, dan pikiran-pikiran jahat lainnya yang menuduh Tuhan selaku Pribadi yang `patut` dan `layak`dituding atas segala sesuatu yang buruk yang terjadi dalam kehidupannya.
Terkadang kita berteriak Tuhan mengapa begini, mengapa begitu. Mengapa keuangan saya dan bisnis saya menurun, mengapa keluarga saya tidak bertobat-bertobat, mengapa karir saya tidak meningkat sejak saya mengakuiMu dihadapan manusia, mengapa orang tersebut masih saja berbuat jahat padahal saya sudah melakukan firmanMu dan berbuat baik terhadapnya, mengapa ketika orang itu memfitnah saya dihadapan atasan Engkau tidak kunjung datang dan membela saya padahal saya yang benar, dan lain sebagainya.
Tanpa kita tahu terkadang kita berlaku egois terhadap Tuhan. Kita hanya mau menerima dari Tuhan dan tidak mau memberi kepadaNya. Yang penulis maksudkan di sini adalah mengenai kasih. Banyak dari kita yang akhirnya menjadi pengikut Kristus karena merasa akan kasih setiaNya yang menerima kita apa adanya, bukankah begitu? Kita merasa nyaman dengan kesediaan Tuhan untuk menerima kita apa adanya kita bahkan waktu kita masih berdosa Tuhan rela mati bagi kita. Namun pertanyaannya sekarang adalah sampai kapan kita mau hanya menerima kasih agape tersebut? Kapan kita mau memberi kepada Tuhan kasih agape? Tuhan sangat ingin manusia mengasihiNya karena memang Dia layak dikasihi, dan karena memang kita sendiri memilih untuk mengasihiNya seperti yang telah Dia lakukan kepada kita. Dia merasa kalau kita layak dikasihi karena kita sebenarnya adalah buatan tanganNya dan diciptakan menurut gambarNya, dan Dia juga yang telah memilih untuk mengasihi kita, buktinya Ia rela mati menebus kita dari dosa sewaktu kita masih berdosa.
Kapankah kita mulai akan berkata kepada Tuhan bahwa tidak peduli situasi apa yang menimpa kita, kita akan tetap mengasihiNya? Kapan kita akan mulai mengatakan kepadaNya bahwa kita mengasihiNya apa pun adanya Dia? Terkadang kita melupakan hal ini ketika banyak tantangan dan himpitan datang dalam hidup. Sadarilah bahwa segala jalan dan pemikiran Tuhan itu jauh dari segala jalan dan pemikiran kita.
Biarkan Ia mengekspresikan kasihNya dalam hidup kita menurut caraNya. Tetaplah mengasihiNya sebagaimana adanya Dia.